Issue No. 34 - Awareness to Action: Implementing Limits to Reunification

October 2024

This brief was developed as a resource and reference point for legislators, policymakers, legal professionals, and advocates in Canada who are considering legislative reforms to limit the use of reunification therapy in family court proceedings, particularly in cases involving family violence andparent-child-contact-problems. The brief outlines federal- and state-level laws implemented in the United States that illustrate how jurisdictions can prioritize children’s safety during custody proceedings by placing strict limits on the use of reunification treatments, as well as by prohibiting practices thatrestrict or remove a child from their protective parent, enhancing judicial and court personnel training in family violence and ensuring that remediation of the child’s resistance only occurs after perpetrators take accountability for their use of violence and demonstrate behavioural change. Legislation in this field is rapidly evolving and in the months to come, there will likely be other state laws with different approaches to address the complex issues surrounding parent-child-contact-problems after parental separation. The brief provides helpful frameworks for Canada to enhance protections for children. The enacted and pending legislation, as well as the tragic child homicide stories that have prompted these legal changes offer a snapshot of the ongoing efforts to ensure the well-being and safety of childrencaught in the crossfire of custody and parenting disputes.

Click here to view the brief Issue No. 34

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